miércoles, 9 de agosto de 2017



           Feeding  and types of fungi

           Feeding fungi  

Fungi have to rely on other organisms to nourish themselves. They do it through filaments or hyphae. 
Fungi feed on organic matter that they absorb from the environment and other organisms. Therefore, they are said to be 
heterotrophs.The fungi feed on dead plants or decomposing fruits  

Types of fungi

In the Kingdom of Fungi, there are many types of fungi and very different. We can make a classification into 4 different groups:

1. Zygomycetes or also called group of molds, for example the famous black mold of bread.

2. Ascomicetes: is the most numerous group where we find yeast, morel and truffles. These are decomposing saprophytic fungi that can live on numerous substrates, even underground, such as truffles. This group also includes parasitic fungi of great economic importance, responsible for a large number of pests. In addition, ascomycetes fungi also have economic importance since they are used for the fermentation of bread, wine and beer and others are edible like truffles and morels.

3.The Basidiomycetes: which are called "Mushrooms" (zetas)

4.Chytridiomycota: group consisting mainly of microscopic aquatic fungi, although some may also grow on decaying organic matter or living organisms such as worms, insects, plants and other fungi. In this case, the spores, called "zoospores", have flagella that allow them to move in liquid media.

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms. 
Fungi resemble plants in stem 
structure and spore 

Fungi do not have chlorophyll and 
are not able to produce their 
own food like plants.

Among the fungi are molds, 

yeasts and mushrooms.


The fungi have four parts: 
cap, hymenium, stem, ring and mycelium.

Fungi live in dark, humid, dark
places, desert areas and in high 
salinity waters.
Most fungi live on plant and 
animal remains.



The reproduction of the fungi occurs through the creation and dispersion of spores, which are resistant forms with long periods of latency.

Usable mushrooms:Nowadays different types of fungus are part of the human diet, enjoying an important consideration given its high margin of vitamin and protein content.
Medicinal properties:Also numerous fungi are used today as a medical resource in the fight against infections and diseases.
Hallucinogenic and poisonous mushrooms:The toxic of certain species of fungi are incompatible with all types of human consumption.

Imagen relacionada

 The mushrooms !!!


2 comentarios:


bienvenida profesora Paula Andrea Somos el grupo #3 Reino Fungí El  género narrativo  es un  género  literario en el que el auto...